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Looking for a Chat Buddy......

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Looking for a Chat Buddy......

.....or email pal.....

I am (and have been) medically celibate since 2009 due to an autoimmune condition. I look well and no one would ever know that I'm ill, but I have a real hard time even considering that an actual "hands-on" relationship would be right or fair to anyone else.

I'm currently going thru a divorce. This divorce itself has been pretty drama-free, but the events leading up to it are something I thought only happened in a "Lifetime" movie! Never in a million years did I imagine the things that have happened to me could actually happen to anyone!!

So for now, I'm just looking for someone to email with - just to have the opportunity to share with another adult. :)

Lost 2 Camelot
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October 11, 2012
Posts: 2

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`Hi Camelot, I am also involuntarily celibate due to a severe infection I had in 2006 which resulted in me having to under go a radical penectomy. I have only recently had the courage to start dating again and am scared at having to even consider dating again. I have been on ok Cupid for a while but I never felt comfortable with coming clean with my disability. I think this site is great although its difficult to appraise how to approach people. I'm looking for chat and maybe dating and eventual non s----l intimacy. (-:

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hey Ivan- sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I was too chicken to return until this evening. I don't if I was more afraid that someone did or didn't answer. I am so sorry for you. I have Lichen Sclerosis et Atrophicus. Not an infection (and not contagious), but an autoimmune disease where my immune system decided my genetalia is an infection and has pretty much wiped it out. I mean... my body basically reabsorbed what God gave. Because of the condition of the tissue (very thin and fragile) and the scarring I am unable to have relations. So I think I may understand your frustration. My issues are complicated by a lying ex - I mean I could write my own episode of "who in the bleep did I marry" kind of lies.... and that's me.

Anyway... if you're still interested, I'm available to chat. Take care!

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November 8, 2012
Posts: 2

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Hiya Lost, reading your post made me remember my divorce a year ago.. Talk about a lifetime movie!! I've been going through the wringer lately and decided that I'd abstain for a while, as I had done for 7 years. I need someone to just chat with too and thought I could provide an ear for you. Perhaps we cld exchange war stories. I have a son too!! Aren't they precious!?!

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